Network marketing companies come and go. Some just stay for a year, 2 years or 3 years before they closed down. However, there are solid network marketing companies that lasts for years. These companies are already stable and in my opinion, better to join. They already have a proven system, stable marketing plan that’s why they last for years.
If you are planning to join this kind of business, better choose one of these top network marketing companies so that your efforts will not be wasted. I also recommend that you do your own research when joining any MLM company. Make sure you are familiar with their products, marketing plan and their company policies. Also, make sure that you are going to devote some of your time doing this business, because no matter what company you join in, if you don’t work it out, you will not make any substantial amount of money from it. Your success still depends on you.
Here is a list of Top 100 MLM Companies as compiled by Business For Home.
Company | Country | Website | CEO |
4Life Research | USA | http://www.4life.com | Steve Tew |
ACN | USA | http://www.acninc.com | Greg Provenzano |
Advocare | USA | http://www.advocare.com | Richard H. Wright |
Alliance In Motion | PHILIPPINES | http://www.allianceinmotion.com | Ed Cabantog |
Amway | USA | http://www.amway.com | Steve Van Andel & Doug DeVos |
ARIIX | USA | http://www.ariix.com | Fred Cooper |
ASEA | USA | http://www.asea.net | Chuck Funke |
Avon | USA | http://www.avoncompany.com | Sheri S. McCoy |
bHIP Global | USA | http://www.bhipglobal.com | Terry LaCore |
Boresha International | USA | http://www.boreshainternational.com | George M. Najjar |
Brain Abundance | USA | http://www.brainabundance.com | Eric Caprarese |
DoTerra | USA | http://www.doterra.com | David Sterling |
DXN Global | USA | http://www.dxn2u.com | Lim Siow Jin |
Empower Network | USA | http://www.empowernetwork.com | Jonathan Cronstedt |
Enagic | USA | http://www.enagic.com | Hironari Oshiro |
Essante Organics | USA | http://www.essanteorganics.com | Michael Wenniger |
Evolv Health | USA | http://www.evolvhealth.com | Brent Hicks |
Exfuze | USA | http://www.exfuze.com | Don Cotton |
FM Group | POLAND | http://www.fmworld.com | Artur Trawinski |
Forever Living Products | USA | http://www.foreverliving.com | Rex G. Maughan |
ForeverGreen – FgXpress | USA | http://www.forevergreen.org | Ron Williams |
Fuxion | PERU | http://www.usafuxion.net | Alvaro Zuniga Benavides |
G1E | USA | http://www.g1e.com | Rick Maaike |
Gano Excel | MY | http://www.ganoexcel.com | Leow Soon |
Global Wealth Trade | CANADA | http://www.globalwealthtrade.com | Ramin Mesgarlou |
GVO | USA | http://wwwgogvo.com | Joel Therien |
Herbalife | USA | http://www.herbalife.com | Michael O. Johnson |
Immunotec Research | CANADA | http://www.immunotec.com | Charles L. Orr |
Isagenix | USA | http://www.isagenix.com | Jim Coover |
It Works! Global | USA | http://www.myitworks.com | Mark Pentecost |
Javita | USA | http://www.javita.com | Stan Cherelstein |
Jeunesse Global | USA | http://www.jeunesseglobal.com | Wendy Lewis |
Juice Plus+ | USA | http://www.juiceplus.com | Jay Martin |
Kannaway | USA | http://www.kannaway.com | Jeff Rogers |
Kyani | USA | http://www.kyani.net | Michael Breshears |
Le-Vel | USA | http://www.le-vel.com | Paul Gravette |
Life Plus | USA | http://www.lifeplus.com | Bob Lemon |
Life Vantage | USA | http://www.lifevantage.com | Douglas Robinson |
Live Wave | USA | http://www.lifewave.com | David Schmidt |
LR Health and Beauty | GERMANY | http://www.lrworld.com | Jens Abend |
Mannatech | USA | http://www.mannatech.com | Robert A Sinnott |
Mary Kay | USA | http://www.marykay.com | David Holl |
Mega Holdings | HONG KONG | http://www.megaholdings.org | Michael Cheng |
Melaleuca | USA | http://www.melaleuca.com | Frank VanderSloot |
Morinda | USA | http://www.morinda.com | Kerry Asay |
Nature’s Sunshine Products | USA | http://www.naturessunshine.com | Gregory L. Probert |
Nerium International | USA | http://www.nerium.com | Jeff Olson |
Nikken | USA | http://www.nikken.com | Kurt Fulle |
Nu Skin | USA | http://www.nuskin.com | Truman Hunt |
Nucerity International | USA | http://www.mynucerity.biz | Lonnie McKinney |
Nuriche | USA | http://nuricheliverevive.com/ | David Parker |
Organo Gold | CANADA | http://www.organogold.com | Bernie Chua |
Oriflame | SWEDEN | http://www.oriflame.com | Magnus Bramstrom |
Origami Owl | USA | http://www.origamiowl.com | Bella Weems |
PartyLite | USA | http://www.partylite.com | Robert B. Goergen |
Perfectly Posh | USA | http://www.perfectlyposh.com | Ann Dalton |
Plexus Worldwide | USA | http://www.plexusworldwide.com | Tarl Robinson |
PM International | GERMANY | http://www.pm-international.com | Rolf Sorg |
Premier Designs | USA | http://www.premierdesigns.com | Andy Horner |
Purium Health Products | USA | http://www.puriumcorp.com | David Sandoval |
Qivana | USA | http://www.qivana.com | Derek Hall |
QNet | MALYASIA | http://www.qnet.net | JR Mayer |
QSciences | USA | http://www.qsciences.com | Marc Wilson |
Rodan and Fields | USA | http://www.rodanandfields.com | Lori Bush |
Sanki Global | USA | http://www.sankiglobal.com | Alejandro Lopez Tello |
Scentsy | USA | http://www.scentsy.com/ | Orville Thompson |
Seacret Direct | USA | http://www.seacretdirect.com | Izhak Ben Shabat |
Sevenpoint2 | USA | http://www.sevenpoint2.com | Jason Boreyko |
Shaklee | USA | http://www.shaklee.com | Roger Barnett |
Shopping Sherlock | USA | http://www.shoppingsherlock.com | Michael Wiedder |
Sisel International | USA | http://www.siselinternational.com | Tom Mower |
Skinny Body Care | USA | http://www.skinnybodycare.com | Ben Glinsky |
SoZo Global | USA | http://www.sozoglobal.com | Mark Adams |
Stampin’ Up! | USA | http://www.stampinup.com | Shelli Gardner |
Stella & Dot | USA | http://www.stelladot.com | Jessica Herrin |
Stemtech | USA | http://www.stemtech.com | Ray Carter |
Sunrider | USA | http://www.sunrider.com | Tei-Fu Chen |
Synergy Worldwide | USA | http://www.synergyworldwide.com | Dan Higginson |
Talk Fusion | USA | http://www.talkfusion.com | Bob Reina |
The Limu Company | USA | http://www.thelimucompany.com/ | Gary Raser |
Thirty One Gifts | USA | http://www.thirtyonegifts.com | Cindy Monroe |
Total Life Changes | USA | http://www.totallifechanges.com | Jack Fallon |
Trevo | USA | http://www.trevocorporate.com | Mark Stevens |
Unicity Int. | USA | http://www.unicity.com | Stewart Hughes |
USANA Health Sciences | USA | http://www.usana.com | Dave Wentz |
Vemma | USA | http://www.vemma.com | BK Boreyko |
ViSalus Sciences | USA | http://www.vi.com | Ryan Blair |
Visi | USA | http://www.visi-global.com | Kent Lewis |
WOR(l)D GN | USA | http://www.worldgn.com | Fabio Galdi |
WorldVentures | USA | http://www.worldventures.com | Mike Azcue |
Xyngular | USA | http://www.xyngular.com | Mark Walker |
Young Living Essential Oils | USA | http://www.youngliving.com | Gary Young |
Youngevity | USA | http://www.youngevity.com | Steve Wallach |
Younique | USA | http://www.youniqueproducts.com | Melanie Maxfield Huscroft |
Zija International | USA | http://www.drinklifein.com | Rodney Larsen |
Zrii | USA | http://www.zrii.com | A.K. Khalil |
100 Top Network Marketing Companies
Source: BusinessForHome.Org