Category: Wordpress
Posts about tweaking Wordpress, tips and tricks, updates, techniques and more.
How To Allow Authors and Contributors In WordPress To Embed Youtube Videos On Their Posts
How To Enable Image Upload For Contributor User Role In WordPress
SEO Smart Links Plugin Makes Link Building Easier
SEO Smart Links plugin is a must-have for a SEO-conscious blog. Why? Because it makes internal link building easier and automatic.
WordPress Mobile Edition And Super Cache Plugin
Last November 2007, I installed the WordPress Mobile Plugin on this blog to make this blog mobile-ready. However, I decided to disable that plugin when I installed the Super Cache plugin on this blog. Why? Because they were not compatible.
WordPress Blank Screen Of Death After Dreamhost Upgrade
Dreamhost is currently upgrading their servers and moving their customers to new servers gradually. Last week was my turn to move.
Plurk This Post WordPress Code
I just joined Plurk last week after a couple of months holding back because honestly, I was turned off by the interface that looks like a spaghetti code if it was a programming code. Why did I join suddenly? Well, because almost every Filipino blogger I know was there, and…
How To Setup A New WordPress Blog
I’ve installed 2 WordPress blogs lately, my wife’s blog and the photo blog. I’ll just share some of the things I setup when I installed them. This will serve as my reference when I install another WordPress blog in the future.
Introducing Photos!
Me and my wife don’t have any high-tech cameras yet. We only have a Sony Cybershot camera which my wife bought on a second hand store. She also have an N95 cellphone and I have an N79 cellphone, both with cameras.
Add Twit This On Your RSS Feeds
If you added the Twit This code on your blog, I think it’s also a good idea to put that same link on your RSS feed. Your RSS feed readers might not bother visiting your site, but if they are Twitterers, the Twit This link might entice them clicking on…