Category: Technology
Posts about the current technology and my thoughts about it.
Call Blocker: Block Unwanted Calls From Your Android Phone

Everybody has their own reason why they want to block calls from someone. You might want to block calls from your ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend, ex-husband or ex-wife. You might want to block calls from telemarketers. You might want to block calls from collection agents. Or you might want to block calls…
Globe Load Tipid Plan Combo Review
iPad Mini Introduction Video
Apple recently announced their new product, the iPad Mini. It’s a small iPad, but bigger than the iPhone/iPod Touch.
Smart Freedom Plan Is The Perfect Plan For Me
Msvcrt.dll Error On Redsn0w When Jailbreaking iOS 5.0.1
If you experience crashing Redsn0w while jailbreaking your iPhone, then you’re not alone. A lot of people reported such problem. Here’s how I fixed it:
iPhone 4S Looks Like an iPhone 4
So, Apple announced iPhone 4S recently. It has new cool features. It has a dual-core A5 chip, 8 megapixel camera, iOS 5, iCloud and Siri.
Testing the WordPress iPad App
iPad 2 Philipines Prices and Availability
iPad 2 is officially coming to the Philippines tomorrow. If you are planning to buy one, here is a list of stores where you can find them and the iPad 2 prices.
Apple iPad 2 is Real!
Apple iPad 2 is real! It has been unveiled by Apple already. Now with more features. Thinner and faster with a dual processor. You can read more about iPad 2 on the most awesome news site on the planet. Just click here. 🙂